Portfolio Artifact A

Lesson Plan

Table of Contents

Your Name: Jennifer Boisvert

Type of Lesson Plan:

Lesson Plan Title:
Exploring the Circulatory System, the Heart.

Discipline and Topic:
Health and Technology.  The topic we will be covering is learning about different parts that make up the human heart.

Target Population:
Grade Level: 
The grade level will be Upper Elementary Grades 4-6.  My actual grade is the 5th grade.
Population Characteristics: 
There are a total of 20 students in my classroom.  My classroom is made up of very eager and responsible students.  When they are unsure of something, they always ask questions.
Lesson Groupings:
This lesson will be grouped into six groups of three students and one group of two students.  This totals 20 students.  There will be a total of 7 different parts of the heart that I have selected (aorta, left atrium, right atrium, septum, pulmonary arteries, left ventricle and the right ventricle).  I will be assigning each group their part of the heart.

Curriculum Links: 
This lesson plan connects to what we have previously learned in class about the human body.  We have already started learning about the Circulatory System and I have already covered the location of the heart and its function.  I also have briefly mentioned what parts make up the heart.  After this lesson, I will talk about lungs.  After looking over their Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that they will create in this lesson, they will be presenting them to their classmates in a few weeks.

Students will be able to...
1. Learn about the characteristics of the heart.
 2. Be able to apply this information to future lessons,  
 projects and tests.
 3. Create a mini Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
 4. Work on a team.
 5. Obtain information from the Internet.
 6. Eventually present their Microsoft PowerPoint
 presentations to the class which will allow them to work
 on their presentation skills.

Media Literacy Objectives:
Basic Skills:
Work cooperatively using technology, Use a browser to navigate the WWW, Practice responsible use of technology systems and software, Use a mouse to successfully operate a computer, Use a keyboard to successfully operate a computer.
Critical Skills:
Make sense of WWW pages, Elect and use appropriate technology tools to complete a variety of tasks, Make sense of simple computer programs.
Construction Skills:
Use presentation software in the creation of knowledge products, Use technology resources for self-directed and/or extended learning, Use technology resources for problem solving, Work collaboratively to seek and/or communicate information in non-print formats.

Materials and Timing:
We will be using the computer lab, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet access, a website called http://www.medtropolis.com/VBody.asp , and our Health textbooks.
We will spend a total of two class periods on this lesson. This will be for a total of 90 minutes. It is equivalent to two forty-five minute classes.

Scope and Sequence:
Day 1:
Go over project in detail- (5 minutes)
Today we will be looking up information and creating a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on the Circulatory System.  We will be looking at different parts of the heart such as the aorta, right and left ventricles, right and left atrium, septum and the pulmonary arteries.  I will be assigning everyone into groups in a few minutes.  You can use the Internet (I will provide you with the website) and your Health textbooks.  We will be heading to the computer lab where you will begin finding information.  You will have to complete two worksheets (one is a diagram and one you will have to answer some questions about your part of the heart).  Please each take 1 worksheet from each pile.  I am also going to pass out an instructions sheet.  This will list the website that you will get your information from.  It will also explain what I will be looking for on the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.  You will need to have five slides in your presentation.  I will also have several CD-ROM's for your group to save your presentation on.  You will be sharing the CD with another group.  I will be collecting them at the end of each class.  After tomorrow, I will be looking over your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations and grading them.  I will then give them back to you an then you will be presenting your presentation to your classmates as a group.  After completing this project, you will know more in detail the different parts of the heart and you will know there functions.
Assign groups and parts of the heart- (2 minutes)
You will be grouped into six groups of three students and one group of two students. I will also assign the parts of the heart: aorta, right and left ventricles, right and left atrium, septum and the pulmonary arteries.
Walk to the computer lab- (2 minutes)
Students will work on their projects- (36 minutes)
Students will begin working on their projects. They will be completing their worksheets, reading over the instructions sheet and start creating their Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.  I will also remind students of the website that they will need to visit to obtain their information.  While they are working on this project, I will be walking around the room.  I will be observing them, answering any questions that they may have and assist them if they need help.  In the last five minutes of the class, I will begin having them save their work to a CD-ROM.

Day 2:
Walk to the computer lab- (2 minutes)
Ask if anyone has any questions- (2 minutes)
If they have any questions, I will answer them before they start working on their presentations.
Students will work on their projects- (36 minutes)
They will finish adding information to their slides.
Wrap up- (5 minutes) During this time, I will be collecting cd's and worksheets.  I will also be answering any questions that they may have.  During this time, I will also ask them for their feedback on the project and get some information from them. Some information I will get will be, did they learn any new information, did they have enough time to complete the project, and any ideas they may add or take away from the project.

Supplemental Materials:
Worksheets- Instructions Sheet, Worksheet # 1 (Diagram) and Worksheet # 2 (Questions to be answered).

In addition to the materials listed above and under Materials, they will be able to user their textbooks in conjunction with the website, http://www.medtropolis.com/VBody.asp to look up any information. I will also be providing CD-ROM's.

Evaluation of the Students:
I will use my rubric that I created to grade each group.  I will grade them on how well they worked together as a team, how they spent their time working on different parts of th assignment (worksheets, looking up information, creating Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation).  I will also grade their presentation seeing if they added all of the appropriate information, From here, I will also grade their worksheets. Lastly, I will grad them on the overall requirements such as if they meet the requirements or not.  For a bonus point (1 extra point), I will give their group an extra point if they add any animation or a graphic to the presentation.

Team Work
All students in group worked together great.  Everyone helped participate with looking up information on the website, answering questions and designing the PowerPoint Presentation All students in group worked together well. Everyone helped participate with looking up information on the website, answering questions and designing the PowerPoint Presentation Some students in group worked together. Some helped participate with looking up information on the website, answering questions and designing the PowerPoint Presentation. Group did not work well, did not participate with looking up information on the website, answering questions or did not design a PowerPoint Presentation.
Time Management
Completed project in time allotted. Managed time well in looking up information, creating a PowerPoint Presentation and completing worksheets. Completed project in time allotted.  Somewhat managed time in looking up information, creating a PowerPoint Presentation and completing worksheets. Completed project in time allotted.   Did not manage time very well with looking up information, creating a PowerPoint Presentation and completing worksheets. Did not complete project in time allotment. Did not look up information on the Internet, did not complete a PowerPoint Presentation and did not complete worksheets.
PowerPoint Presentation
Contained 5 slides. All information is accurate and the slides contained all information that was required. Contained 4 to 5 slides.  All information was accurate and the slides contained information that was required. Contained less than 4 slides. Information was somewhat accurate and the slides contained some of the information that was required. Contained only one slide or did not contain any slides at all. Information was not accurate and did not contain the information that was required.
Completed both worksheets and answered all questions. Completed both worksheets but did not answer all questions. Only completed one worksheet and did not answer all questions. Did not complete the worksheets or answer any questions.
Group went above and beyond. Meet all requirements. Meet all requirements. Meet some of the requirements. Did not meet any requirements.

12-15 points= A,  9-11 points=B,  5-8 points=C,  1-3 points=D,  0 points=F

Evaluation of the Lesson:

To judge if this lesson plan was successful, I will take a look at the overall results. I will look at how they did answering the worksheets and if their Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations contained the correct information. I will also take into consideration their feedback that they provided to me during our wrap up time in the second class. If they provided me with information in the first class, I will also take that into consideration as well.  I will also look at how they reacted when I gave them the worksheets and explained the project. Sometimes, you can get some results from just looking at their nonverbal responses.  I am going to also look at the amount of time allotted for them to complete the project (as a whole) and see if they were rushed or had too much time to complete the project. In a few weeks, I will let them present the information to their classmates. I will see how much of the information they remember and if their classmates ask questions.  I will be putting some of this information on a test.  For fun and review for the test, I will probably play Bingo and it will contain some information on the circulatory system.  At the end of each unit, I also have them fill out a small survey on the unit. I ask them to provide feedback.

Instructions and Worksheets


Please go to this website, http://www.medtropolis.com/VBody.asp to obtain information for your worksheets and Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. You can use your health textbook as well.  

Worksheets # 1- Please label the parts of the heart on the diagram.  Feel free to draw lines or label them directly on the diagram.
Worksheets # 2- Please answer all of the questions. You will use this information to create your Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation:

To get full credit you must provide the following information in your PowerPoint. Please have at least 5 slides. 

Title Slide- Name of the part of the heart your group was assigned. Please include your group member’s names and date as well.

Slide with definition of your part of the heart that you group was assigned.

A slide with where your part of the heart is located.

A slide with the function of the part of the heart you group was assigned.

A reference slide (where you got your information from).

**Extra credit will be given for extra slides, animation or graphics. 

 Lastly, I will provide 4 CD-ROM’s to save your presentation too. You will have to share a cd with another group. Once I have received them, I will look over the information and then in a few weeks your group will have to present the Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation to the class. 

 In addition, I will be collecting both worksheets. Please put your names on them.  Worksheets are to be filled out as a group.

Worksheet # 1

blank diagram of the heart

  Please Label the following on the above diagram:

Left Atrium

Left Ventricle


Pulmonary Artery

Pulmonary Vein

Right Atrium

Right Ventricle
Vena Cava

Worksheet # 2

**Please answer all questions with your group.**

1.  Define and explain the function of the heart.

2.  Describe where the heart is located.

3.  Define the part and function of the heart that you group is assigned (aorta, left atrium, right atrium, septum, pulmonary arteries, left ventricle and right ventricle).

4.  Describe the location of where your part of the heart is located.

Your part of the heart you group is assigned ______________________
Your group members names: